We are now back in the original, and the road warrior is a year later.
I used small opening and end shots of him, and the story goes back 10 years earlier. In Desert Road, I used footage of the original, you see Gibson on his back, pretending to be the younger Max and in the remake, we see now Tom Hardy on his back as the older one.
For me the reason to remake the whole edit and the second reason of course now with DTS surround.
Mixing Orchestra music with keyboard tracks didn't work eventually, but I don't know why the fuck I let it in. Anyway, I did put some music in it of Tangerine Dream and that was a really bad choice. I was pissed off about the fact that there was no clean center channel because I had some ideas for other music. Future Cop is a two in one edition of Mad Max and Mad Max 2 and the first one was made in 2016. The second remake of my Mad Max edits, after I released a few weeks ago Desert Road.